Electronics After-FOSDEM videobox updates It's a bit more than a month after FOSDEM now. The few bits of hardware I designed for the video capture boxes for the event held up great. I realized I never wrote a blog post about it so here it is.
BodgeOS BodgeOS pt.4: A working browser Getting Firefox to build and work in BodgeOS took quite a bit of effort.. and patience..
Linux BodgeOS pt.3: Graphical desktop Just before the end of the year I managed to get BodgeOS to a graphical desktop environment.
Megapixels Megapixels 2.0 alpha release Finally after a lot of work I felt it was a good idea to close off this year by tagging the first actual release of the Megapixels 2.0 codebase.
Linux BodgeOS pt.2: Running on real hardware Continuing on my December puzzle of building a toy Linux distribution from scratch. This time getting it to boot up on an actual computer instead of just a container.
Linux Conjuring a Linux distribution out of thin air A few days ago I got a new laptop and once again had to make a choice of what distribution to install
Linux Building a timeseries database for fun Building my own replacement for my InfluxDB and Prometheus setups
Linux Making a Linux-managed network switch Sometimes the custom 5-port gigabit switch _is_ the solution.
Electronics Building a DSMR reading board I've had a janky setup to store data from my "smart" energy meter for a while now. But now I have made a neat finished product from it.
Electronics Automatic case design for KiCad Generating OpenSCAD cases from KiCad PCB files with a bit of Python code and magic.
Electronics Moving to a RTOS on the RP2040 As projects get more complicated the tooling has to improve. Outgrowing the arduino-ide is easy on the Pi Pico with the excelent pico-sdk but what if things get even more complicated...
Linux Bootstrapping Alpine Linux without root sudo chroot without sudo... and mostly without the chroot
Megapixels Fixing the Megapixels sensor linearization Making the pictures from Megapixels look a bit less vintage
Megapixels The dilemma of tagging library releases The dilemma of releasing a half-working library early to promote contributions.
Megapixels Megapixels 2.0: DNG loading and Autowhitebalance So this is the (looks at notes) 9th! blog post about the progress in Megapixels development. In this episode: White-balance and SEGFAULTs!
Linux The MNT keyboard reviewed MNT Research is an open hardware manufacturer based in Germany. I'll have a look at their open standalone keyboard.
Linux Looking closer at the syslog I did a deep dive in Linux logging protocols for writing logbookd. Here are some of the results.
Megapixels Megapixels 2.0: DNG exporting One of the things that is very broken in Megapixels 2.0 is actually saving pictures, so here I will embark on a side-quest to make a new DNG exporting library that moves the code out of Megapixels.
Megapixels Adding hardware to libmegapixels Let's dive a bit deeper in the config files and how to make them and more importantly, how to sustain this.
Linux Making an USB Ethernet adapter work [SR9700] Figuring out hardware solutions to software problems
Photography Expensive cameras are actually better Yeah the title sounds incredibly obvious. But how much better are high end DSLR cameras actually than an entry level model?
Electronics Can't get blinky on the BL602 Let's see if I can get blinky running on the PINE64 PineCone 3 years after it's release.