Megapixels Megapixels 2.0 alpha release Finally after a lot of work I felt it was a good idea to close off this year by tagging the first actual release of the Megapixels 2.0 codebase.
Megapixels Fixing the Megapixels sensor linearization Making the pictures from Megapixels look a bit less vintage
Megapixels The dilemma of tagging library releases The dilemma of releasing a half-working library early to promote contributions.
Megapixels Megapixels 2.0: DNG loading and Autowhitebalance So this is the (looks at notes) 9th! blog post about the progress in Megapixels development. In this episode: White-balance and SEGFAULTs!
Megapixels Megapixels 2.0: DNG exporting One of the things that is very broken in Megapixels 2.0 is actually saving pictures, so here I will embark on a side-quest to make a new DNG exporting library that moves the code out of Megapixels.
Megapixels Adding hardware to libmegapixels Let's dive a bit deeper in the config files and how to make them and more importantly, how to sustain this.
Phones PinePhone Camera pt4 The fourth part in the PinePhone camera improvements series. Now with more color and focus.
Phones PinePhone camera adventures, part 3 The new PinePhone camera app Megapixels and other camera ramblings.