Linux Git email flow vs Github flow Comparing the Github and Gitlab pull request workflow to the Git built-in email workflow.
Phones PinePhone Camera pt4 The fourth part in the PinePhone camera improvements series. Now with more color and focus.
Phones PinePhone camera adventures, part 3 The new PinePhone camera app Megapixels and other camera ramblings.
Phones Making a backcover extension for the PinePhone Trying to connect a thermal camera to the backcover of a PinePhone using the pogo pins.
Electronics E-paper status display My progress in using an E-paper display over USB to display data feeds.
Phones 4G is not 4G The 3G, 4G and 5G standards are strictly defined, meanwhile phone manufacturers and ISPs still act like they can put the 4G and 5G sticker on anything they want
Restoring gpg from a yubikey Creating a GPG keyring on a Yubikey is pretty much covered, but how do you restore GPG on a new device using the keyring on a Yubikey?
Phones Reusing old phones with postmarketOS A while back I made a blog post about my idea's about my ideal phone operating system. Now I found something that can make it a reality.
Building a wall computer A few months ago I got the idea to build a wall mounted art/computer thing after seeing a picture of someones watercooling setup mounted to a wall. As base for my build I used my office computer. It's a old MSI board (P55-GD65) with a first generation Intel Core i7 860.
Phones Creating a real GNU/Linux phone OS Android works fine, Ubuntu touch is making some of the same mistakes. I just want Linux on my phone.
Electronics Harley Benton (Thomann) Power Attenuator test and teardown Thomann just released their own amp attenuator. Let's measure it and take it apart.
Linux Cheap Chinese usb thumbdrives and benchmarks I read a few articles about BTRFS and ZFS and about cheap Chinese electronics so I thought I should combine that. So I bought the cheapest 1GB USB thumbdrives I could find on eBay. With four thumbdrives I can test various raid setups with BTRFS and ZFS and benchmark them.
Using mobile phone camera sensors with Nikon lenses I always tell people that the problem with phone cameras is the lenses. This isn't a thesis that is easy to test because you can't swap the lens on a phone without destroying it. But now the Raspberry pi has a camera module that's basically a phone camera sensor.
Linux Decoding P2000 messages from Linux P2000 is on of the messaging systems used by the dutch emergency services (mostly the fire department). All messages for the fire department are send over P2000. Some ambulance messages are send over P2000 and some over C2000. All police messages are send over C2000.
Linux Connecting to a Windows Server 2012 desktop gateway from Linux Linux is a great desktop operating system if you're used to it but sometimes you need to connect to corporate servers. This is straightforward with things like Remmina and FreeRDP except when you connect through a Remote Desktop Gateway.
Electronics Modding a Behringer VT911 A few weeks ago I replaced my Line6 Podxt live multieffect pedal with a guitar amp, cabinet and 2 pedals. The amp is a Kustom Defender 5H head and I use a Kustom 1x12 cab with it.
Guitars Some guitar refinishing In the previous post about guitars I told you about building my own guitar. This one is about the finishing of that guitar and 2 other guitars