This question seems to come up a lot. On the pine64 storage pages for devices with a display there's a disclaimer about dead pixels. This makes people think these devices regularly ship with dead pixels.
From my experience with having a lot of pine64 devices here and having seen even more at events like FOSDEM, this isn't really the case. This disclaimer is actually hidden somewhere every single time you buy a product with a display in it. The main difference is that PINE64 doesn't hide it.
A lot of websites seem to also just refer to the manufacturer warrenty of displays for dead pixels and those also have similar claims. Here's some examples from display manufacturers:

But what about phones and laptops? well Dell conveniently lists it on the same page:

or a phone manufacturer, in this case Samsung:

But reality
In reality none of these manufacturers regularly ship dead pixels. Neither does PINE64. This is just legal stuff for the sake of legal stuff. Having this notice on the website does not mean the dead pixels are more common. The main reason is that refunds are more painful for smaller companies.